Friday, January 11, 2013

Tortilla Roll-up with Spicy Shredded Chicken

Who says a yummy appetizer can't be the main course for dinner?! Not me! I whipped up this party pleaser appetizer last night for dinner and it was delicious! Spicy"ish" chicken and a cream cheese mixture all rolled up in a flour tortilla...Yum! We have left-overs too, which have made a great snack last night and lunch for today!! I grabbed this recipe from a cute "homemade" blog titled, Homemade by Holman. I love the recipes on here, though I haven't gone through them all, but I'm working my way through her blog day by day! This dish can be taken to a party as finger foods, or you can do what we did, and pair with some chips and salsa and have it for dinner! Once again, it's easy to make and will leave you with no regrets! So let's get started!

1.5 lb boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 can Rotel (drained)
12 oz cream cheese
1 c shredded Cheddar cheese
1 clove garlic, minced
3 tsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp garlic salt
6 green onions
6-8 large tortillas

Her recipe starts by saying that you coat the chicken breasts in salt, half of the cumin (1/2 tsp), and one teaspoon of the chili powder! I took the "salt" to be the garlic salt instead of regular salt. I'm not sure if this is what she was meaning, but it tasted great so that's how I'll do it next time I make it! Once you have your pieces of chicken coated, add the chicken to a large skillet with one cup of water (you can add more water if needed), and cook on high/medium until the chicken is cooked through. I continued to turn the chicken so it would cook evenly and I think I left it on the stove about 8-10 minutes.

I love spices!! I love spice cabinets and the way they smell when you open them! Yum!
Spicing up the chicken 
Cooking in the skillet
Once the chicken is cooked through, remove it from the skillet and let it cool slightly before taking two forks, and shredding the chicken!
Shredded chicken
While the chicken is cooling is a good time to get the cream cheese spread mixed together. In a large bowl you're going to mix together, the cream cheese, drained rotel, cheddar cheese, and all the remaining spices with the green onion! Mix together thoroughly!  

Pre-mix spread
Once the spread is mixed together and the chicken is shredded, throw the shredded chicken in with spread and mix everything together. Divide the chicken mix evenly over 6-8 tortillas and spread out thin, making sure the edges of the tortilla remain clear! Roll each tortilla up tightly (not like a burrito...leave the ends open), and cut them into once inch sections. Place them on a serving plate, cover them and place them in a fridge until you're ready to eat! It's easy as a dinner, snack, or party choose! 
Finished and ready to eat!
I ate one tortilla dipped in salsa, and was satisfied the rest of the evening (until I wanted a snack so I grabbed a couple more from the fridge) lol!! Stay tuned for another Pinterest project in the next couple of days, a wonderful breakfast from Game and Garden, and an update on my reading and photo a day challenge!! In the meantime, I want to wish my mom and huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY today! 
Always having fun in my family! Never a time without laughter and hilarious shenanigans!
Until next time...
~Happy Eating~

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